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The Kiwi Health Detective. The Emotional Intelligence in Physical Symptoms.

Greetings! Kim here.

I love sharing information, strategies and tips which can transform pain and suffering into joy and health.



Aug 24, 2016

Kim shares the importance of emotional support for cognitive function, and how just by being offered help, we can reduce stress and improve brain function.

Want to understand and trust your body better? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at

Aug 18, 2016

In this episode we look at the issue of trust, and how and where we learn to stop trusting ourselves and others in life.

Want to understand and trust your body better? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at

Aug 11, 2016

In the first part of the ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ Kim covers topics such as

  • How and why emotions are generated in the body
  • How and why emotions get stuck in the body

  • The positive role which negative emotions play

  • What the laws of physics has to do with emotions

  • The connection between quantum...