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The Kiwi Health Detective. The Emotional Intelligence in Physical Symptoms.

Greetings! Kim here.

I love sharing information, strategies and tips which can transform pain and suffering into joy and health.



Nov 24, 2016

Learn why it is so important not to get attached to labels for a health condition or health therapy.


Want to learn more? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at

Nov 17, 2016

Learn how to stop fear, worry, doubt and worst-case-scenario thinking, and instead experience inner peace and clarity.

Want to learn more? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at

Nov 10, 2016

In this guided exercise Kim shows how by getting out of our head and into our body we can calm our mind and emotions.

Want more helpful information? “Want to learn more? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at

Nov 3, 2016

In this episode we look at how and why we limit the happiness we are seeking. “Want to learn more? Then check out Kim’s ‘Introduction to Emotional Mastery’ series at